'In any process of change it takes courage to leave the familiar and travel towards the unknown.’
New Possibilities
According to writer, poet, and contemporary thinker David La Chapelle the edges of comfort zones are ‘zones of turmoil’ where new possibilities explode in many dimensions.
Any form of change brings with it a move from the certain to the uncertain; from the known to the unknown and the journey towards wealth is no different. It is why the journey to wealth has often been referred to as a heroic journey because it involves moving from familiar to unfamiliar territory where old constructs and the perception of accurate prediction begin to fall apart. And this is where courage is needed because when we seriously begin to change the conditions of our experiences, different outcomes occur. And as they do old patterns and strategies of behaviour simply stop working.
Unknown and Scary
The edge of comfort zones is unfamiliar territory, it is unknown and it is scary. Comfort is familiar and familiarity leads to certainty, one of the most powerful of human motivators. People who are strongly motivated by certainty always default to the familiar. They resist change by maintaining old patterns.
Familiarity is certainty and certainty generates feelings of reassurance, pleasure, dependability, resoluteness, endurance, satisfaction and knowing what is happening. It is the breakdown of familiarity and certainty that most people fear the most because it affects habitual patterns of reassurance located deep within their psyche.
It Takes Courage to Leave
In any process of change it takes courage to leave the familiar and travel towards the unknown. If you have a high need for certainty in your life there is little possibility of change taking place because, by definition, change is an uncertain activity and it destabilises the way people choose to organise their lives. Any talk of major change will be seen as a threat, an attack on the familiar, and will be met with strong resistance.
Certainty is about doing the same things over and over again because it is comforting and, whilst one might complain about their financial results, at least they are familiar and they can keep reproducing them.